Criamos um app antipreconceito que identifica centenas de palavras preconceituosas e sugere sinônimos mais apropriados sempre que uma dessas palavras é digitada.  Lançamos o aplicativo com a campanha "Palavras importam", com filme, ooh, print redes sociais.
We created a anti-prejudice app that identifies hundreds of prejudiced words and suggests more appropriate synonyms whenever one of those words is typed.  We launched the app with an integrated campaign called “Words matter” with film, OOH, print and social media.

︎project case︎︎︎

“Everytime someone writes “wife beater” the keyboard will suggest the synonym “sleeveless t-shirt” - Creativity

︎ poster︎︎︎︎︎︎

︎  film eng︎︎︎ / film port︎︎︎ ︎

“Technology can help reverse prejudice” - Creativity
“The keyboard that helps you choose better words” - FastCompany
“The ultimate tool against prejudice in our language” - AdAge
︎ Most Downloaded Keyboard app during launch campaign
︎ Corrects more than 450 prejudices words
︎ 3 languages: En / Pt / Es
︎ 118 million people impacted

︎ ooh︎︎︎