Provavelmente a campanha mais controversa, discutida, criticada ou adorada da qual participei. Esse projeto para a The North Face logo após seu lançamento, gerou uma acalorada conversa global sobre a relação entre marcas, plataformas, consumidores e até onde a criatividade poderia ser utilizada. Talvez o tom do videocase tenha sido bastante arrogante. Deveria ter vendido o conceito de colaboração ao invés de hackear. Mas eu ainda considero uma ideia nova, diferente, ousada. 
Probably the most controversial, discussed, criticized, or beloved campaign I've been a part of. This project for The North Face sparked a heated global conversation about the relationship between brands, platforms, consumers, and the limits of creativity. Perhaps the tone of the video case might have been quite arrogant. It should have sold the concept of collaboration instead of hacking. But I still consider it a fresh and bold idea.

1.3 Billion Global Impressions

Every company dreams of free advertising, and the North Face seemed to have found a clever way to get it. All it had to do was edit Wikipedia” - The New York Times
The North Face apologizes for showing us the future of marketing” - Gizmodo
Why The North Face manipulating Wikipedia confirms our darkesst fears of advertising” - Fast Company
The North Face criticised for replacing Wikipedia pics with branded shots” - The Guardian
The North Face secretly vandalized Wikipedia to imporve its Google search ranking” - Vice

Huge Social Media Discussion 

All changes to Wikipedia are logged. They didn’t do anything secretly” -
“Hacking isn’t the right word here. They did something completely legal and legitimately allowed to obtain a desired result”
“Were the photos inappropriate or misleading?”
“On several occasions, they simply cropped the photographs to make the brand's logo disappear, while keeping the images created by professionals. Just Perfect”
“I think North Face overstepped an ethical line here, so that's why this will backfire.”